With every search, we contiuously expand the c.cure network. Since we get to know new cyber security experts every day, our recruiting also takes place outside of the classical active-sourcing channels as we are in direct contact with high-potential talents in the industry.
As we develop our talent’s careers, many candidates come to us on recommendations. We rely on references to ensure the quality of our candidates and their technological know-how. We are always aware of suitable candidates and can introduce them to you without a lengthy search.
Our specialization allows us to provide detailed know-how in technical IT and information security. This way, we remove the typical briefing stress for your already understaffed department!
We permeate the cyber security industry on our daily business. Our market overview goes across most industries – you always receive genuine feedback on the modalities you offer.
Are you struggling with particular technological challenges in your security landscape, e.g. legacy software, and don’t know how to secure it?
Our AI- and blockchain-supported hackathons offer attractive prize money to contestants – get into a direct exchange with the solution finders of your problems or receive suitable solution suggestions – anonymously and without disclosing your company.
We use our international network to connect your problem with the right experts.
Are you looking for permanent employees in cyber security?
This is exactly our core competence! We fill your vacant positions in all areas of cyber security as quickly as possible and with little effort for you – that your company’s security is not compromised any longer than necessary.
We only present suitable candidates to you and always explain background information regarding skills, motivation to change, notice period and salary requirements.
We support you in creating new teams from scratch and insourcing previously outsourced services. Our services go behind (re-)filling vacancies and extend to evolving positions and developing new teams entirely.
For example, we have brought entire Security Operations Centers in-house. You know your IT security requirements – we bring the most dynamic component: the right people!
According to a recent study, positions in IT security remain unfilled for at least 9 months throughout Germany. Across Europe, there is a shortage of more than half a million workers – and the trend is rising.
We have recruited applicants from around the globe. With foreign notice periods typically being shorter than in Germany, waiting time for a visa is the bottleneck. We support you in recruiting and only present you with candidates who match your cultural fit. In addition, we accompany you during the entire relocation process and transfer the know-how to your company in the shortest possible time.
With above-average salaries for cyber-security professionals, obtaining a bluecard is rarely a challenge.
The ethical requirements of an employer have changed, especially in the field of cyber security! Empathy, loyalty and transparency are now more important than ever. The environment must fit! The challenge of retaining newly acquired employees works best when they feel comfortable and are being accustomed to the position.
We design and conduct our search for you efficiently, never taking more time than necessary. To obtain relevant information more quickly, we break down the getting-to-know-each-other process into a general and a technical briefing.