c.cure connected

Recruiting on point.

Our focus is to purposefully connect employees with permanent positions in the fields of technical IT security and organizational information security.

As a highly specialized provider of recruitment services for cyber security, we offer maximal market coverage and ubiquitous applicant connections. We are specialists, no generalists, ensuring that we only work with the best in the business.

Find your right job now

Vacancies we fill

Every position is as unique as the person behind it. We do not only know the requirements of every position, we also know exactly what is behind: information about the company, team structures, upcoming projects and perspectives. In addition, we have the comparison to various industry sectors.

Positionen, die wir besetzen

  • (Chief-)Information Security Officer
  • Managers, division heads, department heads, team leaders
  • IT/information security architects
  • IT security engineers of any technical orientation, e.g. network security, endpoint security, cloud security, IAM,…)
  • SOC Analysts of all levels
  • Incident Responders
  • IT forensic scientist
  • IT/Information Security Managers / Consultants
  • IT auditors
  • ISMS manager
  • Compliance Officer
  • Risk manager
  • DevSecOps Engineer

Industries we cover

Our partners are carefully selected companies, DAX-listed firms and medium-sized businesses. We have in-depth knowledge of the relevant industry-specific regulations and requirements such as BaFin, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), KRITIS regulations, as well as industry-specific regulations such as TISAX.

Branchen, in denen wir uns bewegen

  • Automotive manufacturers and suppliers
  • Banks, financial service providers, insurance companies
  • construction and real estate companies
  • chemical company
  • Companies in mechanical and plant engineering
  • Companies subject to federal confidentiality protection
  • Electrical engineering company
  • Hospitals and healthcare companies
  • Manufacturer of IT (security) software
  • Manufacturer of medical technology products
  • Pharmaceutical companies and Life Science
  • Retailers and trading companies
  • System houses and consultancies
  • Water and energy suppliers
c.cure Your Career
What differentiates us from other headhunters? How does the application process work with us? Your first steps into the c.cure network!
c.cure Your Company
Are you looking for employees in cyber security? To the c.cure consulting solution!
Let’s talk

Arrange your appointment

Felix Tovar, founder of the c.cure network

Something fundamental for all our actions: trust

No matter whether talking to applicants about seeking new opportunities or to managers about underhanded staffing, we ensure our long-term success through our discreet approach and high-quality consulting, which requires us to protect of all sensitive information. Our information security management is aligned with the ISO 27001 standard. In addition, all our employees are trained in the areas of IT and information security and attend certification courses.
Our business rules c.cure our success

In explicit terms

We abstain from exaggerated (job)descriptions and the sales-culture common in the field of headhunting. Instead, mutual respect is our way to work towards everyone’s satisfaction. Our partners are our equals.
Our consultants are educated on the various aspects of technical IT security and regulations regarding information security continuously. To find the perfect match, we rely not only on our knowledge of human nature, but also on our in-depth understanding of the technical aspects of the positions we offer.
We do not just consult until the contract is signed. We stay in touch to know exactly what is going on and to also clarify unconventional details. That way, we guarantee high-quality hiring and promote applicant’s careers in the long run.

    c.cureGeschäftsbereich der Megamaris GmbH

    Taunusstraße 59
    55118 Mainz
    Telefon: +49 6131 8945 - 200
    Mail: go@ccure.tech